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General Tagge Version 1 Head
Art.-Nr.: HOBHEAD-68
Inklusive Steuern.

Design by Brickotar
Printed by Hall of Bricks
Colorway: light nougat

General Cassio Tagge was a high-ranking Imperial officer and the Chief of Imperial Army Operations aboard the Death Star. Unlike many of his colleagues, he viewed the Rebel Alliance as a serious threat and strongly advocated for a more cautious military approach.

During a high-command meeting on the Death Star, Tagge warned Grand Moff Tarkin and Admiral Motti about the vulnerability of the station, fearing that overconfidence could lead to disaster. His concerns were ultimately justified when the Rebels destroyed the Death Star at the Battle of Yavin.

A rare voice of caution within the Empire’s leadership, General Tagge embodied strategic foresight—though it wasn’t enough to save the Empire’s ultimate weapon.