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Kendall Ozzel Version 1 Head
Art.-Nr.: HOBHEAD-70
Inklusive Steuern.

Design by Brickotar
Printed by Hall of Bricks
Colorway: light nougat

Admiral Kendal Ozzel was a high-ranking officer in the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War. Born into a wealthy family on the planet Carida, he pursued a military career, eventually commanding the Super Star Destroyer Executor, the flagship of Darth Vader

Ozzel is perhaps best known for his role in the Battle of Hoth. His decision to bring the fleet out of lightspeed too close to the planet alerted the Rebel Alliance to the Imperial presence, allowing them to activate their defenses. This tactical error infuriated Vader, who deemed Ozzel "as clumsy as he is stupid" and executed him for his incompetence.